Esquire November 1996

Esquire November 1996

Esquire is a renowned American men’s magazine known for its sophisticated blend of style, culture, and current affairs. Since its inception in 1933, it has been a staple in the world of journalism, offering in-depth articles on a wide range of topics including politics, literature, and social issues, all while maintaining a sharp focus on fashion and lifestyle. Esquire is celebrated for its high-quality writing, compelling features, and its distinctive voice, often showcasing thought-provoking essays and interviews with prominent figures. Its elegant design and editorial excellence make it a prominent publication for readers seeking a mix of insightful journalism and modern elegance.

Forget Gwyneth… Forget Mira… Here’s Hollywood’s Next Dream Girl
The Allegra Coleman Nobody Knows By Martha Sherrill
TheYear’s Best New Restaurants
David Blum The Baldwin Brothers For President!

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